Myths about domestic abuse

There are a number of common myths about domestic abuse. See if you know them all.

Remember, it is still abuse even if

There isn't any physical violence

Abuse takes many forms, and being emotionally or verbally attacked can be just as troubling as being physically hurt.

Physical attacks seem minor or infrequent

Any purposeful physical harm is a reason to be concerned. If abusers use physical violence once, they will likely do so again and with more force.

Physical abuse always stops when you become quiet

No one should need to give up the freedom to talk, move, and make decisions to remain safe.

You are the same sex

Though often undiscussed, the LGBTQ community sees rates of domestic abuse comparable to the straight community. Abuse in several communities, including the LGBTQ community, communities of undocumented people, people with disabilities, and older adults, are more complicated because of systematic oppression.

You are a man, and your abuser is a woman

Despite the media often portraying women as the only survivors of domestic abuse, anyone can experience abuse. One in four men report experiencing abuse, but many do not seek help out of fear of looking less masculine or being belittled.

You still love the person in the relationship

You decided to share your life and family with this person, so of course you want the violence to end without having to leave this person entirely. However, no person deserves to be subjected to abuse and no relationship is healthy when abuse occurs.