Health Emergency Resources
Amid the national health emergency, we are committed to sharing any community resources for survivors as we learn about them. Please check back here regularly as we will update this page as more information becomes available.
Massachusetts Resources
- Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) ACP provides a means by which survivors may use a confidential address in order to stay safe from actual or threatened violence.
- Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence If you are an Asian individual experiencing abuse and would like to speak to an advocate in one of 16 Asian languages, call 617-338-2355.
- HAWC (Healing Abuse Working for Change) If you have experienced domestic abuse and live in Massachusetts’ North Shore, receive comprehensive domestic abuse services by calling HAWC’s 24-Hour Hotline at 1-800-547-1649.
- Jane Doe, Inc. To access a longer list of local resources, visit Jane Doe, Inc.
- Llámanos y Hablemos If you are a Spanish-speaking individual who has experienced sexual assault and would like to speak to an advocate in Spanish, call 1-800-223-5001. Si eres un individuo que habla español y que ha sufrido agresión sexual y le gustaría hablar con un(a) trabajador(a) en español llama a 1-800-223-5001.
- Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) If you are a Portuguese-speaking individual experiencing abuse and would like to speak to an advocate in Portuguese, call 617-864-7600. Se vocé é um indivíduo que está sendo abusado e gostaria de falar para um advogado em português, ligue para 617-864-7600.
- Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission To report abuse against a person with disabilities, call 1-800-236-7600.
- Massachusetts Elder Abuse and Protective Services To report abuse against an older adult, call 1-800-922-2275.
- SAHELI: Friendship for South Asian Women If you are a South Asian immigrant experiencing abuse and would like to speak to an advocate in a specific South Asian language such as Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, or Punjabi, call 866-472-4354.
- SafeLink To access emergency domestic abuse shelters in Massachusetts, call 877-785-2020.
Nationwide Resources
- Advocate Web To access resources about sexual misconduct, abuse, or exploitation by mental health professionals, medical professionals, clergy, lawyers, educators, or law enforcement officials, visit AdvocateWeb.
- Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center If you are an American living in a foreign country and experiencing abuse, call 866-979-1611 to receive assistance navigating international social and legal landscapes.
- Casa de Esperanza If you are a Latin@ individual experiencing abuse and would like to speak to an advocate in Spanish, call 651-772-1611. Si eres un individuo que es latino o Latina que ha sufrido abuso y quieres hablar con una trabajadora en español, llama a 651-772-1611.
- ChildHelp If you or someone you know has experienced abuse by a parent at any age, call 800-4-A-Child.
- Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence If you are the co-worker or employer of someone experiencing abuse, learn how to handle domestic abuse and reduce the costs of partner violence at work by visiting CAEPV.
- Deaf Abused Women’s Network If you are a deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind person experiencing abuse, email or videophone them at 202-559-5366.
- Domestic Violence Initiative If you are a person with a disability experiencing abuse and seeking case management, client advocacy, or community outreach call 303-839-5510 or 877-839-5510.
- Internet Crime Complaint Center To report an internet-related crime, visit the Internet Crime Complaint Center.
- LawHelp To find and fill out legal forms online, visit LawHelp.
- Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women To obtain legal representation and technical assistance in interstate custody battles resulting from domestic abuse, call 1-301-270-1550.
- Legal Services Corporation If you need financial support in order to receive civil legal aid, visit the Legal Services Corporation, established by Congress.
- MaleSurvivor If you are a male-identifying individual who is experiencing or has experienced sexual abuse, explore chat rooms and contact MaleSurvivor here.
- Manavi If you are a South Asian woman experiencing abuse and would prefer culturally specific support services, call 1-732-435-1414 or fill out this contact form.
- National Adult Protective Services Association To find state-specific Adult Protective Services and report abuse against older adults or people with disabilities, visit the National Adult Protective Services Association.
- National Center for Elder Abuse If you or someone you know has questions about abuse against older adults or are seeking state resources, visit the National Center for Elder Abuse.
- National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women If you are or know a woman experiencing domestic abuse who has been charged with a crime, call 215-351-0010 or 1-800-903-0111×3.
- National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs If you identify as an HIV-affected survivor of violence, call 212-714-1141 or report violence via this online form.
- National Dating Abuse Helpline If you are a young person with questions or concerns about your dating relationship, speak to a peer advocate at 1-866-331-9474, or chat either by texting LOVEIS to 22522 or visiting
- National Domestic Violence Hotline For national domestic abuse support, call 800-799-7233.
- National Domestic Violence Registry To access a database of domestic abuse offenders, protecting yourself and your family, visit the National Domestic Violence Registry.
- National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities If you’re a Latin@ person experiencing domestic abuse and seek Spanish-speaking resources, call 651-646-5553. Si eres un individuo Latina o latino que ha sufrido violencia domestica y buscas recursos en español, llama a 651-646-5553.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline If you or someone you know has suicidal thoughts, call 800-273-8255 or visit this page to chat. To speak to someone in Spanish, call 888-628-9454. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call 800-799-4889. For veterans, call 800-273-8255 or visit this page to chat.
- The Polaris Project (The National Human Trafficking Hotline) If you are a human trafficking survivor or survivor looking for help, reporting a tip, or requesting services, call 888-373-7999 or text HELP to BeFree (233733).
- Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) If you have experienced sexual abuse and are seeking help or connection with local service providers, call 800-656-4673 or visit to chat.
- StrongHearts Native Helpline If you are a Native American experiencing domestic abuse, receive free, confidential, culturally-sensitive support by calling 844-762-8483 Monday through Friday from 9am to 5:30pm CST.
- The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development To find your local housing office and receive assistance locating low-income housing for seniors, people with disabilities, and low-income tenants, visit the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development site.
- Victim Connect If you are a crime survivor seeking assistance or referrals, visit VictimConnect to chat or call 855-484-2846.
- The Women’s Law Project For state-specific legal information, referrals, and other resources, visit the Women’s Law Project.