Get ready to lace up your shoes, hit the pavement, and make a difference! Whether you’re walking, running, or cheering from the sidelines, this is an event you won’t want to miss! Sign up now!
Join us for a day filled with fun, friends, and community as we race toward ending domestic abuse! 💖 Let’s make this year’s event the best one yet!


We Can Help

Hawc provides free and confidential services  to people experiencing domestic abuse. 

To understand if what you’re experiencing is abuse,  or to start making a safety plan, call our hotline at 1-800-547-1649

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

Our Mission

OUR MISSION is to create social change by taking action against personal and societal patterns of violence and oppression.
HAWC provides services to survivors of domestic abuse residing in 23 cities and towns on Massachusetts’ North Shore in order that they may make informed, independent decisions about their futures.

Our Services

HAWC services are available both in person and virtually to best meet your needs.

Please call our office at 978-744-8552 during regular business hours (Monday – Friday between 9 am and 5 pm) and our 24-hour hotline at 1-800-547-1649 anytime for support.

Support Groups

Support Groups & Workshops

Legal Advocacy

Legal Advocacy

Parent and Child Recovery Programs

Children's Services

Emergency Shelter

Emergency Shelter

Community Outreach and Education

Community Outreach & Education

If it is safer or more convenient for you to request an appointment electronically, fill out an appointment request form. An advocate will be in touch soon.

Help Someone You Know

Do you know someone who is experiencing abuse? You can help by educating yourself and sharing resources with them.

Shame and guilt, emotional abuse, cultural and religious tradition, and societal misconceptions contribute to an abuse survivor’s silence. As a result, you might not realize that a person you love is experiencing abuse. However, with one in three women and one in four men experiencing domestic abuse in their lifetime, abuse has probably directly affected someone close to you.

What’s Happening at HAWC

Virtual Community Conversation

Virtual Community Conversation

HAWC was proud to offer the first of a series of virtual Community Conversations via Facebook Live on Thursday, August 19. During our first Community Conversation, HAWC’s Senior Manager of Educational Programming Elisabeth Nash Wrenn chatted with Jessica Stevens,...

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Executive Director Sara Stanley Wins Diamond Award

Executive Director Sara Stanley Wins Diamond Award

Congratulations to Sara Stanley, HAWC’s Executive Director, for being named one of six inaugural recipients of the North Shore Chamber of Commerce’s Diamond Awards, recognizing extraordinary women leaders in business who make an impact on the community. Sara and her...

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