Dear Friends & Supporters of HAWC,

Sara Stanley photo
Sara Stanley
HAWC Executive Director

First and foremost, I would like to emphatically and sincerely say: THANK YOU! The challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic these past 15 months have been unlike anything we could have imagined. You have risen to the occasion and supported us during this challenging time. Because of you, HAWC has been here for survivors of abuse when they needed our help the most.

The impact of the health crisis has been uniquely fraught for survivors of domestic abuse: loss of income, financial insecurity, increased isolation, children at home full-time, and fear of illness all compound abuse.

I am so proud of the way that HAWC was able to quickly respond to the onset of the pandemic. We shifted all of our services to be offered remotely in fast succession. For many survivors, we were a critical connection when they were forced to be away from friends, colleagues and family because of the stay at home restrictions put in place to prevent the spread of the virus. Since the onset of COVID-19 in March 2020, we have provided 1,489 survivors with 18,894 supportive services.

You made it possible for us to remain a lifeline for survivors of abuse

We are looking forward to reopening our offices to the community and reinstituting our in-person services this summer.

While we are excited to be back in person, we will carry with us many lessons learned during the pandemic. Offering our services virtually reduced obstacles to participation for many survivors, who may have been challenged by barriers before, such as lack of transportation, a work schedule, the need for childcare, or living with a disability. The pandemic gave us the opportunity to better meet the needs of those we serve, and as a result, we intend to offer virtual services as an option going forward.

Likewise, we cannot wait to connect with you, our loyal supporters, again! We hope to see you again soon at our events, our office, and out and about in the North Shore community. You have kept us going, cheered us on, and made our work possible.

Thank you for all that you do for HAWC, our community, and survivors of domestic abuse.


Sara A. Stanley
Executive Director