
PTSD and Abuse

PTSD and Abuse

Months or even years after an abusive relationship ends, abuse survivors may carry feelings of dread and panic on their shoulders, reacting intensely to certain smells, sounds, colors, or angles of light. Because these symptoms can make survivors feel as though they...

Erasing the Stigma: Abuse in the Transgender Community

Erasing the Stigma: Abuse in the Transgender Community

Anyone can experience domestic abuse, but the stigma surrounding certain communities can result in some populations being more vulnerable than others. According to a report by the Williams Institute, a public policy research institute focusing on sexual orientation...

4 Tips for Healthy Communication After Abuse

4 Tips for Healthy Communication After Abuse

For anyone who has experienced abuse, the pathway to healing involves re-learning how to establish relationship behaviors. During abusive relationships, survivors must develop behaviors that are necessary for survival. Dishonesty or unhealthy coping skills might be...

Law and Politics: How Immigration Issues Affect Abuse

Law and Politics: How Immigration Issues Affect Abuse

Conversations surrounding immigration issues in America cover a wide variety of deeply complex, systemic issues. As these issues permeate more and more of the 24-Hour news cycle, it is essential to understand potential reasons for legal and illegal immigration and the...

5 Steps to Protecting Yourself on Social Media

5 Steps to Protecting Yourself on Social Media

Social media has allowed the world to become a smaller, more connected and creative place. Support networks span the globe. News spreads quickly and efficiently, and entire movements and revolutions online help people to feel like they are no longer alone in their...