The staff and board at HAWC (Healing Abuse Working for Change) are deeply saddened to learn of the domestic abuse homicide that occurred in Salem, Mass., this morning. As the oldest domestic abuse agency on the North Shore, HAWC wishes to remind the community that it is here as a resource to anyone who may be experiencing domestic abuse and has a multitude of services and programs to assist survivors in need.
“We are profoundly sad to learn of the recent events that took place in Salem, and our sincerest condolences go out to the family of the survivor,” said Paula Herrington, HAWC’s interim executive director. “Now is a time more than ever to encourage the community to access HAWC services if they are experiencing domestic abuse. There are preventative measures that can be taken to potentially prevent senseless tragedies such as this from occurring.”
HAWC provides comprehensive services for survivors including a 24-hour hotline, outreach, advocacy and other individual assistance, emergency shelter, legal advocacy, support groups and more in 23 cities and towns. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, please call our hotline at 1.800.547.1649.