Six Safety Apps That Will Make Your Life Easier

Six Safety Apps That Will Make Your Life Easier

The first step towards a life free from violence and fear is often telling someone about your experience and seeking legal, medical, or emotional support. However, HAWC knows that sometimes, reporting abuse and accessing tangible support can be dangerous and scary to...
5 Myths About Consent

5 Myths About Consent

Whether you’re with someone whom you met last night or have been married to for decades, all sexual engagements require complete respect for physical boundaries and comfort levels. This respect often comes in the form of an agreement, called...
Twitter Creates New Policies to Combat Abuse

Twitter Creates New Policies to Combat Abuse

The prevalence of social media in our world has led to deeper connections across oceans and continents. It has also given abusers an opportunity to promote violence, make threats, and control survivors. Twitter hopes to address violence on social media by making...